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Oct 13, 20201 min read
How To Acknowledge Your Spirit! Heal and Feel Video!
How To Acknowledge Your Spirit! Heal and Feel Video! As mentioned in the video! Chakras 101 Intuitive Development And Progression Program...
Oct 21, 20183 min read
Are Your Chakras Too Opened Or Too Closed? Unbalanced Chakras And Their Symptoms
Are Your Chakras Unbalanced? We all know that life can get a little crazy sometimes and in the midst of it all when we have to drop...
Oct 14, 20183 min read
The Heart Chakra. How It Can Benefit You and How It Hinders You!
The Heart Chakra. How It Can Benefit You and How It Hinders You! The heart chakra is supposed to bring about peace, presence, and...
Aug 11, 20173 min read
The Third Eye – Why It Gets Blocked
“What is the pineal glad, how does it get blocked, and why do I need to unblock it?” Start researching how to develop your intuitive...
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