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Intuitive Development Course


Learn to develop and utilize your intuition! Develop a solid understanding of the four main psychic abilities and how to strengthen yours. You will learn to connect with spirit guides, the higher self and learn to manage your empathic gifts. We will work with your natural intuitive gifts to get you living a spirited life with your internal guidance system working for you instead of against you! Learn to develop your clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairaudience here! In addition, you will get multiple bonuses, including a spirit guide and automatic writing workshops and bonus teachings! An in-depth intuitive course with real, down to Earth lessons and exercises to help you develop your intuitive abilities THAT WORK! Over 22 weeks hands-on video lessons broken down clair by clair (the different type of psychic gifts) Techniques for protecting and grounding your energy! Essential tips for empaths and intuitives for energy management! Ways to develop each clair Easy to follow exercises for each clair, walk away having mastered all the skills! Affirmations to help you develop and grow your practice Meditations Videos on Crystals and how to work with them! Techniques for connecting with Spirit Mobile convenience on your phone, tablet, or computer Lifetime access multiple bonuses!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
Payment Plan IDP


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