I don’t know about you but 2024 for a doozy of a year for myself, many of my client’s, and colleagues alike!
Here’s the thing, from an energetic perspective, it was supposed to be!
2024 was year the of releasing and though it may have felt earth shattering that was simply because everything that didn’t serve us was supposed to be revealed so that it could crumble away.
I will be 100% transparent with you: it was my hardest year ever in business and in my personal life. There were so many times I wanted to give up completely.
Give up on business. Give up on myself. Give up on my spiritual practice.
However, every time I got close, I was pushed CLOSER to my spiritual practice. My dreams would be more intense and incredibly clear. My body would call me to meditate. I’d have intense moments of crying (releasing) followed by profound moments of clarity.
So many messages I got from Spirit this year were validated by other spiritual practitioners, synchronicities, and even strangers.
2024 was hard, but it was never meant to break you, only to reset you.
If you had a hard year please know you are not alone. I am here, your guides, the universe, we are all here.
I, too, have been deeper in the trenches than I could have ever imagined, but no matter what, Spirit showed up for me even when I was the most indifferent and confused.
Here is what I am doing in 2025 to rebuild myself and get back that sparkly girl who loved and lived life to the fullest.
I am showing up fully authentically in my business, on the blog, and for you!
I will not be spiritually bypassing anything.
I will not pretend life is perfect when it’s not just to be a perceived image that being spiritual means being happy all the time!
I will be speaking my truth and doing it lovingly to align with my highest version and help you do the same!
I will be journaling, meditating, and immersing myself in my spiritual practice.
I will use my guides and spirit team to lean on in times of need.
There is one more really big thing I will be doing this year, that I have never done before.
After a long talk with some friends the other day I realized exactly where I have been blocking myself and why. As you probably know social media is not my strong suit or my favorite thing. I thought it was just the pressure to keep up with trends and constantly output content when I wanted to focus on service and helping my client’s.
Diving a little deeper, I realized I had a block around “spiritual influencers.”
Was I jealous? Was I angry? Was I not as good as them? No, no, and definitely not.
The issue?
I was resentful watching so many “infulencers” teaching intuitive development, spiritual practices, and using spiriutal bypassing to “educate” the masses when in my opinion they didn’t always teach it safely, practice this themselves, or have their audience’s best interest at heart.
When I started Light Love and Spirit 8.5 years ago very few of us were willing to put ourselves out there into this space. I am SO happy to see so many speaking and teaching on it freely! This is what we always wanted, what Spirit has always wanted and what we need.
Finding the right teacher for you is the best thing you can do!
My issue is when the teacher doens’t exactly know what they are teaching and is charging thousands for retreats and readings and courses but then their client’s find me because they either made very little progress or did not learn to practice safety.
Myself and my colleagues may not have 100k followers on Instagram, but we genuinely care, want to help, and know HOW to help you.
I am not bashing anyone or saying that anyone with a large following didn’t work very, very hard to get where they are. I only want to genuinely help people connect, thrive, and reach their next level.
So this year, in addition to showing up authentically, I am going to make sure YOU KNOW what practices serve and don’t, and I will be doing this with a kind and open heart and will never bash anyone.
2025 is about rebuilding! When I started this website it was about being true to who I was and helping you do the same.
And Babe, I am sticking with that vibe but turning the volume ALL THE WAY UP!
Let’s rebuild, let’s grow, let’s show TF up for ourselves, our families, and this community!
Happy 2025!
With love,