Psychic Blog Round-Up How To Know If You’re A Psychic?
How To Know If You’re A Psychic? | Psychic Blog Round-Up
What does it mean to be intuitive? For me, the word intuitive simply means having an awareness of what is around you, both seen and unseen. It is also having an awareness of what is being given to you. You become psychic when you decide to harness that awareness and utilize it for yourself or others. How do you know if you’re psychic? It’s quite simple; actually, you pay attention, and you follow the breadcrumbs.
Spirit always gives us clues; it’s our job to follow them.
Most intuitive people will have the thought “could I be psychic?” at some point after having one or more of the following experiences:
A premotion that came true
Vivid dreams that seemed incredibly real.
They knew what someone was going to say before they said it.
Psychic people heard things that no one else did.
They can see a situation play out before it has even happened.
Colors or images appeared with their eyes closed.
They saw a ghost.
Though sometimes subtle, these are all authentic signs that you are attuned to a spiritual frequency. This frequency can provide you with divine guidance and information! To put it in simpler terms, these are clues that you’re psychic or highly intuitive.
The problem is most of us don’t think we’re a psychic or a medium unless we have physically seen a ghost with our own eyes.
Intuitive and psychic abilities are much more subtle than this, though! I give mediumship readings for a living and still don’t see dead people walking around everywhere…and thank goodness for that! Mediumship, intuitive, and psychic abilities are abundant throughout the day once we learn to bring awareness to them. Once we tune in to how we receive this divine information, we can truly hone in on our psychic gifts!
Are you psychic? How to tell!
Below is a list of articles and resources that can help you determine if you’re a psychic, a medium, or a highly intuitive person. These resources will assist you in seeing how your intuitive gifts show up for you each day, even in the smallest ways. Honing these skills will help you make a big impact by utilizing them!
To gain more control of and harness your psychic, empathic, and intuitive gifts, I suggest you start wiht the Intuitive Development and Progression Program! If you’re a bit more seasoned and you’re ready to deliver messages, check out Diving Deeper Into Spirit Communication!
I would also like to invite you to Intuitive Bootcamp starting April 15th, 2020!
In this four-session live Intuitive Bootcamp, we will cover all things intuitive, spiritual, and yes even mediumship.
What we will cover:
The different types of spirit.
How to identify and bust through fear.
How to effectively cleanse your space of negative or unwanted energies!
How to meditate effectively.
How to know which gifts are your strongest.
How to work with each of the intuitive abilities throughout each day.
What happens when you start working with spirit.
How to sense energy.
How to sense the presence of a spirit.
How to connect with different types of spirits.
How to connect with spirit’s who don’t connect in the way that you do. (You are clairaudient and they use clairvoyance)
How to identify and remove blocks
How to find your purpose using your intuitive gifts!
Much Much MORE!
Seating is limited because it is a live video training by me. I will be recording each session and providing weekly material to support as well. Registration will close on Monday, April 13th, as the class starts on April 15th!
Plus, when you register, you will receive immediate access to the following bonuses!
Meet Your Spirit Guide Course
The Recovering Empath E-Book
All About Crystals Course!
You’re not going to want to miss this one!
See you on the lighter side! Ashley