How To Strengthen Your Intuition And Connect With Your Higher Self!
Connecting with your intuition isn’t as hard as we like to make it seem, in fact, the most effective way to connect with your intuition is to develop a deep relationship with YOURSELF! It seems that so many of us think that the messages and guidance we wish to receive come from an outside source, but it is innately within us. The trick is allowing your intuition to come through by finessing your senses to get accurate and evidential messages!
How do we access our intuition?
As I’ve said in so many of my blogs, podcasts, and videos over the years, your intuition is who you are - tapping into it is all about awareness.
Noticing subtle energy shifts, having a massive amount of self-awareness, knowing the difference between the ego, higher self, and spirit guides, and tuning into the vibrations you wish to work with.
We build this awareness by getting closer to the higher self or the soul part of you!
Your higher self is the most loving part of you, the part of you that glistens and is pure love all the time.
When aligned with your higher self, you feel calmer, and naturally guided. Mini miracles seem to happen for you, and even if you have to make a tough decision, it’s easier to go in the right direction because you’re in alignment with your highest version.
When aligned with the higher self, messages from it and your guides easily come through! In my intuitive development course, I teach you to discern the difference between the higher self, ego, spirit guides, and more!
In addition to having awareness, getting closer to your higher self raises your vibration, something that is essential for connecting with spirit and your intuition!
You see, to get closer to your higher self you have no choice but to make space for yourself! To sit with you, to fill your cup, to actually ask yourself what YOU need, to show up for yourself, and most importantly, to allow your higher self and inner child to bring to the surface your blocks and what still needs to heal.
Once you start pulling out the old, energetic baggage you've been toting around for years or even decades, you naturally raise your vibration and make space for spirit’s loving messages to come through! Simultaneously, you will be shutting down the ego to quiet the mean or low vibrational voices that come from it!
To strengthen your intuition, you’re going to want to do these 7 essential steps!
Learn to notice energy shifts internally and externally
Develop a keen sense of awareness and notice small signs, messages, and intuitive hits
Focus on strengthening your strongest clair so that you can tap into your gifts in the most effective manner for YOU
Practice practice practice
Invite your guides to help you develop and strengthen your gifts even more!
I know reading this you’re like ok, Ashley, but HOW do I do these things? What are the specific steps to open my intuition and connect with my higher self?
Well, I am glad you asked! It’s all too much to type in blog posts or even put in one video, but I have built out a course of over 40 videos and multiple bonus courses inside to help you tap into, understand, and even manage your gifts with ease!
The intuitive development course has helped hundreds of people get their intuition under control, open it up, and utilize it to help shift their lives and even manifest a life they only dreamt of!
I include this course in my 6 and 12-month coaching packages for those who are ready to go all in and make significant shifts and changes in their lives and energy!
Understanding my intuition literally changed the course of my life, and because of it, I have been doing this work for almost 9 years!
I would love to help you learn to understand your intuition and relationship with yourself and your Source. Let’s call in all you’re meant for!
Let’s work together here!